Difference Between Deck and Convection Ovens

Difference Between Deck and Convection Ovens
It is needless to say that the type of oven used plays a paramount role in determining the quality of the items prepared by a bakery. Besides that it also has a significant impact on the overall production. Sometimes, a bakery may not be using the right kind of oven for the goods they usually produce. It can often be due to budget constraints or utilisation of second hand equipment. However, most bakers somehow reimburse for these issues in one way or another, such as, adapting their recipes, changing baking times, etc.

But selecting the right kind of oven eliminates any type of wrongful experimentation and mystery associated with preparing otherwise authentic baked goods. Let’s have a look at the two most common kinds of ovens used by bakeries:

Deck Oven

LF_deck_oven_250It is a very important piece of equipment for any artisan bakery that seeks to prepare exquisite and crusty loaves of bread. Although it takes up more space and necessitates skilled workers for operation, the end products are always of high quality. It typically makes use of conduction heating, which is a procedure that involves movement of heat from a deck or hot stone to the sheet pan or loaves of bread being baked. It also employs radiant heating for penetrating in the dough and heating it throughout. Being capable of carrying a lot of mass, it has excellent recovery time and also holds temperature really well. An important feature that must be considered while buying this type of equipment is whether it runs on electricity or gas. The utility costs of either greatly depend on the facility type and region. There are many reputed commercial deck oven suppliers in Sydney who can provide effective assistance in choosing an appropriate type.

Convection Ovens

240v-3-phase-bakers-pride-bco-e2-cyclone-series-electric-convection-oven-double-deckThey are available in a plethora of variants – single rack, 10 pan, double rack, rotating rack, smaller designs with 1 to 5 pans, etc. One of the main features of these types is a fan that blows hot air and thus ensures transfer of heat. The convection heating process allows to use a wide range of temperature such as 425 degrees Fahrenheit for baking dinner rolls, hamburger buns, etc. or 150 degrees for drying meringus. Another beneficial feature of convection ovens is their capability of adding steam while baking. It aids in achieving a beautiful shine and fully expands the loaves of bread or anything else being baked.